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This show is based on the different stories written and Illustrated by Eva-Marie Welsh.
Eva-Marie Welsh started her career with "Cassy's Tale" where a cassowary chick, hatches from her egg and start to explore. It became such a succes that Eva-Marie Welsh has written 7 more books, each and one of them focussed on one  special Australian animal and its environment.  
In the show you will not only get to meet Cassy, a cassowary but also her friends, Shelly the sea turtle, Bobby the tree kangaroo, Paddles the platapus, Lyssie the butterfly, Bluey the kookaburra, Nipper the crocodile and Croaky the frog when they all go on an adventure together.
The children will learn about the fauna and flora of North Queensland as well as learning about change, friendships and will encourages them to take care of the environment around them.
Contact us if you like to know more about this performance or its cost.

Available later this year.

Some snapshots

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